August 2020 - Thank you to our friend Dr. Jacalyn LLC for promoting Margie Cedrone Artisan Jewelers during her weekly show Rapping with Dr. Jacalyn!
MAY 2018 - Margie, Margie Cedrone Artisan Jeweler, designed a beautiful engagement ring for a wonderful Philadelphia couple and it ended up on FOX29 morning news! Congradulations Mike and Kelsey on your engagement.

FEBRUARY 2018 - Ribbon Cutting at Margie Cedrone Artisan Jeweler. Thank you to everyone in Haddon Township for the warm welcome to the neighborhood!

MARCH 2017 - Margie's Jewelry Moving to Haddon Township
by Bethany Mitros, The Retrospect
After 34 years on Jewelers' Row in the city, Margie Cedrone is moving her artisan jewelry business back to her home town of Haddon Township.
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OCTOBER 2016 - In Jewelers Row in Philadelphia, Condo Plan Worries Preservationists by Jon Hurdle, The New York Times
Among the oldest diamond districts in the country, the Jewelers Row section of this historic city has been a part of the engagement stories of couples in the region for generations.
In the district, artisans and retailers have sold gems and jewelry since the mid-19th century, making it an unlikely cause for preservationists in the city, who in recent decades have focused on bringing new life to abandoned buildings.
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AUGUST 2016 - Past mistake: Preservationists hope city will learn from Jewelers Row threat by Jim Saksa, Plan Philly
A developer’s proposal to replace five properties on Jewelers Row with a 16-story, 80-unit luxury condominium has Philadelphia’s small preservation community up in arms. While preservation advocates aren’t ready to concede that this corner of America’s oldest and second largest diamond district is lost, already the focus seems to be shifting to mitigating the damage, not stopping it, and preventing future losses.
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AUGUST 2016 - Demolition plans for Philly's Jewelers Row losing sparkle by Associated Press, The Boston Herald
Margie Cedrone, center, a jeweler, discusses rings with customers Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016, in the Jewelers Row diamond district of Philadelphia. Luxury home developer Toll Brothers wants to build a 16-story condominium tower after demolishing five buildings on Philadelphia's historic Jewelers Row, a red-brick paved street that's the nation's oldest diamond district and home to over 300 jewelers, engravers, watch vendors and diamond dealers. (AP Photo/Dake Kang).
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